This is the homepage of nothing interesting or anything in particular. Suspiraiton is a domain that has a long history now spanning over a decade, a domain that once was hosted on a little old machine that could and her name was Athene. Athene used to host mail and DNS, she used to host a public gallery, stream music and stored all the little things but most importantly she was a Gateway. A Gateway built on Slackware used to control the security of the tubes that went on around her. She had many facelifts over the years but was finally put to rest in 2012 but not before passing suspiration to her predecessor, Eris.
Eris is sleak, shiny, compact and powered by fruit rather than penguins. Eris does much less than Athene since technology has advanced over the internet and what is for public use. Eris has some storage but mainly leaves it up to a device built for storage and backup. She controls music but doean't stream, has a picture gallery but has no need to show it. So suspiration is a domain. This is the homepage of nothing interesting or anything in particular.